Merchant-Filter for inventory (Apartment, Guild Hall)

There's a different approach that everybody can take if it's about generic feature requests to the client (in some cases even if it involves the server) - Thanks Bitty for unintentionally reminding me of that with your comment that in your opinion this filtering should be prioritized lower than bugfixing or adding content.

Remember that the Ryzom core engine is open source. Other games are written now with that engine, too. So there are a few more developers out there, not having Ryzom in their mind whose code changes can still make it into our game.

The way this works is that Winchgate who is running Ryzom can decide - at least to some extent - to include certain features developed on the open source branch of game development, or to not include others.

So if you think your enhancement is generic enough that it could be of interest to other games as well (such as this filtering of items in GH and Appartements), then go to Then go to the "Issues" menu, and search if someone already had that idea proposed. If not get an account, file your idea as a new issue.

I still believe discussing it here first, is the best approach because here we'll all have an experienced playerbase to provide feedback. But ultimately, filing an enhancement to helps to get more developer attention: Especially if it's a localized thing (like having North show always in compass or this filtering idea), it may be a good starting point for someone who's just starting to look into helping out on Ryzom development...

Don't expect wonders, though. People who develop for mostly are volunteers and don't get money for it. But: The stuff winchgate employees are doing is also released back to that open source project.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:41:44 UTC

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