Merchant-Filter for inventory (Apartment, Guild Hall)

Well Talkirc, i really did like and agree with your thoughts about seeing what is in your own Apt. without haveing to go there. I dont think your work-around will work Bittty for those of us with Macs, if they will, please explain how. Plus, i have posted a message asking the Dev team to tell us how busy they really are, how many of them there are working on things like bugs and stuff, and if all ideas get read or even considered. I'm sorry, but i will look up the location i can't remember where at the top of my head, but it was a few months ago. I still haven't gotten any reply. :(
As for Eruvs suggestions, im personally happy with the way things are. i can quickly look through GH inventory and find what i need. if i want to filter out stuff, i hit the tab at the bottom to make items dissappear, and its good enough for me. But you know, if the majority of players wanted something like that, i would of course give it a shot. Who knows, maybe i would even like it. :D
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