Merchant-Filter for inventory (Apartment, Guild Hall)

TalkIRC -- it's bad form to blame the CSRs for something they *might* have done without checking with the Original Poster to make sure that they have actually done it.  In this case, I don't remember seeing a poll -- Eruv can tell us for sure.

For a while Tamarea was commenting on the EN Suggestions.  The fact that she has stopped suggests to me that there is a shortage of help, not that there is a conspiracy to keep things from being added.  Given the results of your own poll on the matter of paid storage, I don't think they're worried about overwhelming responses.

Part of the problem with responding is that any response may well be taken as a promise, and the CSRs and devs are allergic to committing to a timeframe for events and changes. This is a good thing since it means we don't get vaporware, but is bad for customer relations.  The other part is that crafting a suitable response takes *time*, and CSR's have day jobs. I would be very surprised if responses didn't have to be vetted by someone like Tamarea (i.e. high level) so that mis-communication doesn't happen.

You don't get anything from being a CSR (according to those I have talked to), and in fact your options are limited even more than your options as a private player.  You'll never see a CSR trek a newb to a new location or give a newb some low level jewels so they can do some more hunting.

The real problem is that there aren't a lot of programmers as far as I can tell.  If they are busy on real content (i.e. events), something like this is not only a distraction but a waste of their time (imho, ymmv).  There is no such thing as a "simple change" to a running program.


By the way, you can see your apt or GH any time you like by using a simple bug/exploit/feature involving the various "desktops".  I use desktop 4 (F4 by default) -- your normal "desktop" (UI choices, etc.) is desktop 1 (F1 by default).  Start on desktop 1.  Enter your apt.  Go to desktop 4. Open your inventory window.  Pin it (not strictly necessary but helps avoid re-doing this). Go to desktop 1 (THIS IS CRITICAL).  Exit your apt.  Now, outside your apartment at any time, hit F4 (or other key to go to desktop 4).  Viola.  You can see contents and manipulate your filters.  You can't take anything, of course. :)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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