[Multiple responses] Rewards for Multi-Masters.

Appletini (atys)
Grand Master Atys Forager for all Regions (including PR).
Master Atys Forager for four regions.
Apprentice Atys Forager 3 regions.
Novice Atys Forager for 2 regions.

I like the 4/5 region ones (without the Atys)

"Master Forager" for more than one region
"Grand Master Forager" for all regions

The "Atys Guardian" might be a valid point for Atys in the title but:
1. The guardian titles were only available through special events
2. The foraging titles might be multiple regions (not civs as the guardians) but the other multi-titles not (think "Grand Master Magician" for all 4 types of magic)

if you want to make it sound more global make It something like
"(Grand) Master World Forager" even though that's a bit weird as well.

The Apprentice and Novice remind me of the lower titles.

IMHO the "... of ..." titles just sound(ed) awful.
Same goes for the "All Atys..." suggested by Arfur ;-)

A relatively simple solution would be this:

Grand Master Fighter (the HOLE fight tree)
Master Melee Warrior (All melee weapons)
Master Light Armsman (all 1H weapons)
Master Bludgeoner (1H mace and staff)
Master Slasher (1H axe and sword)
Master Heavy Armsman (All 2H melee weapons)
Master Cleaver (2H axe and Sword)
Master Close Fighter (Dagger and Hand to Hand)
Master Range Fighter (all Range weapons)
Master Heavy Gunner (Autolauncher, Launcher and Rifle)

Grand Master Magician (the HOLE magic tree)
Defensive master Magician (heal and def affl.)
Offensive Master Magician (ele and off affl.)

Grand Master Crafter (the HOLE craft tree)
Master Armorer (heavy, light, medium and shield)
Grand Master Heavy Armorer (all heavy parts)
Grand Master Light Armorer (all light parts)
Grand Master Medium Armorer (all medium parts)
Grand Master Jeweler (all jewels)
Melee Weaponsmith Grand Master (all melee weapons)
Grand Master Light Melee Weaponsmith?? (all 1H melee weapons)
Grand Master Heavy Melee Weaponsmith (all 2H melee weapons)
Grand Master Range Weaponsmith (all range weapons)

Grand Master Forager (the HOLE harvest tree)

General rule here:
hole tree = Grand Master, all sub trees that split into subsections = Master (if not in use already, then Grand Master as well)
only one not able to fit is the all 1H melee weapons one though


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