[Multiple responses] Rewards for Multi-Masters.

I like genralized titles by leaving out specializations... reverting to early titles with an added "Master" like:

Master xyz Forager
then Master Forager

Master Offensive/Defensive Magician
then Master Magician

Master (Heavy or Medium or Light) Armor Crafter
then Master Armor Crafter
then Master Crafter

Master Slasher
then Master Heavy Melee Warrior (already too long imo)
then Master Melee Fighter (i think i got the last two wrong anyway, need to check ingame)

generally i like short titles.

short is powerful.

and... i don't like long titles that mess up the in scene display by shifting the character names far away from the actual toon.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:41:43 UTC

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