Merchant-Filter for inventory (Apartment, Guild Hall)

this would indeed be very nice, sometimes looking through inventory for that one mat or item is a real pain in the neck, quality filter, grade filter, type of mat (jewel, setting, blade, counterweight, ect) would be very nice and very welcome, and i agree if it can be done for one inventory it should be done for them all, that way one can find exactly what they want when they want and need it without wasting time searching through a packer, apt, gh, or merch for 20 minutes to find one or two mats or items.

i'm +1 +1 +1 on this one too. (and imagine if we got that bulk upgrade and could really keep stacks of mats, then we'd have a chance to fill all the slots in an inventory tab, lolx)


Remickla (atys)
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