Ranger Teleport appearance

It's not "rapid tansit" and it doesn't need to be developed - it already exists.  Check out the beginning of this thread.  At the first meeting in Almati Woods, Wilk said:

Wilk : I will explain a part of Ranger structure: Before becoming a Ranger you have to train. This training is available to every pro-homin homins, not only neutral ones. However this training does not allow you to become a Ranger but only a Patroller.


Wilk :An homin that has been a Patroller long enough can become Ranger once they succeed a particular mission. But we can only give this mission to a homin that follows Rangers's philosopy.

Wilk :Some of you might recall Ranbows during the Second Swarming and some of you might even have used them. However, rangers did not use them to bring supplies to the Rescue Camp lost in the Old lands. We have our own ways to travel around Atys.


: Qualified Rangers can of course go to Prime roots and most dangerous national areas. Without Kami or Karavan help of course. Some people here have already traveled there in a Ranger way but it is unsafe. National areas are a lot safer than prime roots, you have to be a confirmed ranger to go there.

At that meeting he also affirmed that to be a Ranger you must have substantial positive fame with all nations and both Factions.



Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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