[Matis] Igaras Mystery (2013/23/05)

Having arrived, thanks to the cover of night, a small detachment of warriors settled at the entrance of the camp in the Hidden Source. A mix of members from the Marauder's Clan of Ashes and the Rebels of Nations, the troops were discussing under the overhelming heat of summer:

"Anyone knows what we're waitin' for here? I need to let off steam on homins, not stay here doin' nothin'!" grumbled a first Marauder.

A second one was chewing a piece of meal without conviction, "More than that, the grub is vile! Let's hope we don't get stuck with Cuttler's meat for too long..."

A Matis from the Council of Dissent brought some information to the lackeys, "Didn't Akilia tell you that it was to help us?"

"No...we ain't in the 'confidence'; we are underlings, the necessary..."

"In any case," added a third Marauder, "the instructions are clear, 'have sharpened weapons and solid boots.' There's rumour that a long walk through the forest awaits us."

The first Marauder shrugged, "Thus, at the moment, nothin' concrete. I hope the orders come soon, so we finally get action!"

Grudgingly containing his fury, the Marauder grabbed a small scorpion which came into his reach, cut away half of its legs with the point of his sword and then started contemplating as the arachnid twisted itself poignantly.
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