

My take on this is governed by the fact that "fame" is not a measure of your commitment to a nation or faction, but rather a measure of how that nation or faction regards you.  That is why, if you are a Fyros Patriot, your fame with the Matis cannot be higher than zero.  You could regard Matis Nobles as fine examples of hominity (unlikely, I realize), but while you might have Noble friends, the general populace will still sneer at you because you are a Patriot.  For each nation there is a similar situation, as there is with Factions.

However, the Rangers are supposed to be able to deal with *all* nations and factions.  Their job is not to fight the Kitin alone, but to coordinate the efforts of all races and factions in fighting them. A Ranger negotiating between Fyros and Matis, or Kami and Karavan, must be a trusted intermediary simply on the basis of his/her fame with them.  ((In roleplay, of course, any given Ranger (such as myself) would have to prove that trust by her/his actions. There is the "game mechanic fame" and then there is "reputation fame."))

I happen to be a worshipper of Jena, but not to the extent that my personal beliefs interfere with my ability to deal with those who worship Ma-Duk. I have worked instead to advance my fame with both factions so that I can be seen as trustworthy by all parties.  I am willing (and Wilk Potskin backed me in this opinion) to cooperate even with Marauders if their goals and ours temporarily are in alignment.

As for Lore - there is plenty but it is not yet written down as Lore except implicitly.  The Rangers helped arrange the meeting of the leaders of the four nations in the Deep Roots and are active in retrieving refugees to get them to Silan. The Rangers run the refugee camp in Silan with an even hand, despite the racist and religious "slant" of the trainers (the rants of Sterga Hamla are a typical example).  In the second swarming they worked with the Trytonists to gather material for the rainbow gates and were there to administer the camp in the old lands until that catastrophe played out.

Strangely enough, I agree with Rollocks that the "game mechanic Ranger" will be a watered down compromise, simply because most people who seem to be going for Ranger don't realize how hard a path the original Rangers have trod.  That doesn't mean that the "role playing Ranger" has to be.

-- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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