
A word on the rangers:
*note that I am not big on RP but will try and fit my ideas in with it*

The ranger's number 1 aim is to fight off the invading kitins and protect homins.

Fame rises exponentially. Anyone who has tried to reach 100 fame in a civilisation or religion will have definitely realised this. The exponential rise is so big that you can say someone with 100 fyros fame holds more cause to fight off kitins than someone with 50 fame in all civilisations. My question is why should someone with 100 fame be held back from this when they have more desire to go fight kitins than neutrals?

Also why should religion come into this? Your internal belief system should have no influence on your cause to fight kitins and protect homins. You see kami and karavan fight together twice a week to kill marauder bosses such as Aen. So why should kitins be any different?

The rangers are an up and coming organisation and as such there is no lore I can find on them yet. A blank page to fill in however you please. As a new organisation they have so much potential so why limit them before they have even begun? There is so much potential when it comes to fighting kitins:

1) Speed runs in the KL to see how many kitins you can kill in a certain time limit with a leaderboard etc etc.
2) New kitin bosses in the KL with the same difficulty as Aen or Sergio.
3) More frequent kitin nest invasion events etc etc.

The kitin lair and almati woods could become a vibrant hub of activity. Why limit this to what is currently about 20% of the player base??



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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