Marauder armour for Marauders

1) People shouldn't be able to farm PvP points and I would hope the devs put an end to farming if they made PvP points worth something. The simple fact is dappers are easy to grind and tradable. This would make your armour instantly obtainable if you wished it. You could grind the dappers on an alt, do deals with other people etc etc.

2) Asylum love the fact we aren't wanted within the marauder walls. Thats why we go there in the first place for PvP. I was told by 2 HOs of clan to just go and attack the clan members whenever I wanted PvP and was told not to even bother asking.

3) You werent there for the 2v5. We dont wait for people to leave. I'm sorry you are saying we are boring people by healing? Healing is a vital element in PvP. If you don't know that I am afraid you should go back to PvP basics.

4) No tail to cover. I only remember loosing duels in the maro camp to kitane and acour. I simply made the point I have been winning a lot of battles and still finding the PvP points a slow grind.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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