Marauder armour for Marauders

1) So you admit dappers are easy to come by? If so this would make your armour easy to obtain so basically you just want it by putting in as little effort as possible..

2) People farming are a different discussion- that is for the devs to deal with and I would hope they would take all farmed items.

3) You cry about us running through the wall constantly as if that is the reason you die. We do not run around waiting for the marauders to leave. We go to the camp to actually fight them. You just usually run to your GH and wait for more to come.

4) Not high and mighty. Just speaking facts. That you are not difficult to kill, that we have been doing 2v5s in the marauder camp and that we aren't the ones who end up dead.

5) Yes you have seen me dead after 1v3s etc and I have no trouble admitting that :)

EDIT: Yes I can see the number issue. You cut me deep saying I can't count



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