Marauder armour for Marauders

Suboxide - I have no clue in hell what you said but from what I have made out it has something to do with Uni which I have muted and never go onto. Also when did I accuse anyone specifically of grinding the points? Somehow you conjured that out of thin air since I only said that I see people doing it all the time. As to the New Horizon, I've never seen any Marauders or their alts at the New Horizons while i run around regions and I never hear any talk of them doing such.

As to Virg
1) Dappers CAN be easy to come by - but they are not always, for things being sold it all relies on supply & demand. As to the PvP dappers - it all depends on time as well, not always are dappers provided to the victor.

2) It makes sense not to attack the Marauder bosses but some choose to do it for the armour since their is no other way to get it since we cannot purchase it.

3) I've seen far more people than just "1" person farming, all you have to do is look for them.

4) I think I've PvP'd against you twice, and I never blamed any wall if I did die. Also since when are you all high and mighty? Whenever I see you trying to PvP it usually ends with you on the ground face in the dirt with your Marauder armour and your OP mat weapons.

5) Like I have said - PvP points are one of the easiest things to grind in the game. As to the killing Karavan and Kamis - I have no trouble killing them at all, and are you having fun acting like your the best at PvP in the game when I've seen you dead more times than I care to count?

6) Please for heaven sakes learn how to count.


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