Marauder armour for Marauders


well the guys being selling marauder pvp on uni daily have been marauders that farmed the points os first get your own factions shit tougheteher befor calling out ppl for doing something illegal if they got the points fair and scuare against your faction cheating uni daily to get some dapper

seccondly stop spamming uni for selling the marauder shield it really gets boring

3th I seel marauder 'alts' in dyron all the time doing the civ specific racial new horizon turnins with alts to get some of our free pvp points and dapper not daily but like constanly (even some are numbred so the marauders can keep track of their alts doing em all over atyt)

=> those are just some of my concerens if you gonna start accusing guildies of mine breaking rules by buying marauder gear in the marauder city by using pvp points they got fair and by sneaking into the city then maybe you wanna get rid of the real cheaters in your faction before accusing actuall ppl of cheating when they just abuse sstupid guards :D


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