Marauder armour for Marauders

1) Why are you chatting about tribe fame... what has that got to do with anything?

2) I recently took part in a 2v2v2v2v2. 2 kami teams, 2 marauder teams and 1 kara team all fighting each other. Yes.. thats right... marauders fighting each other. It happens. Seeing as you don't mind killing each other for you to go attack the NPC bosses seems well within RP limits so stop whining.

3) I am saying sergio and aen are tough marauders and hard to kill. They have earned the right to wear such armour. You on the other hand have not.

4) If you are referring to farming PvP points this is illegal. Other than that PvP points are tough to raise even when you have been winning 2v5s in the marauder camp daily (said from personal experience).



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