Marauder armour for Marauders

Funnily enough you are pretty much fighting for what I already have in my forum post: "[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas." #23

In this the devs have responded "This will be studied: There are complex matters of game balance to be considered."

The only difference is you seem to want to be able to buy them with dappers instead of PvP points. So I have a few points to raise:

1) Dappers have got to be the easiest grind in this game. So in my mind you are basically asking for the opportunity to be able to get the marauder NPC armour for free, simply because you are a marauder.

2) You say that marauders don't fight each other and this wouldn't make sense. However I see you guys fighting each other all the time.

3) You argue that marauders such a Sergio and Aen have this armour so why shouldn't you? Well.. I shall tell you. They have earned this armour. It takes around 2 teams of masters to kill them- where-as you barely need one master to kill you. What makes you think you are so worthy to wear this armour? You need to earn it. I personally believe the system in which you should earn it is through PvP points.

4) If you agree that you should be able to obtain these items through PvP points please kindly stop talking. You are doing more harm than good.

5) For the love of Ma-Duk stop putting everything in capitals.



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