Mouse spinning out of control

Neela (atys)
When you say it's spinning out of control, do you mean that the view spins round and round your toon? If it is I've seen that before, the solution is to hit the left/right arrow key, depending which way you are spinning. IIRC you hit the key that's the same direction, but try both till it stops.

If that's not what's happening, I'm not sure what you mean...?

Like in the old forum thread, my mouse spins around 360 sometimes when using the camera to look behind me when chased by enemies, short looks left or right are fine if i dont do it to fast else it will spin 360 aswell

e.g.: Using Left mouse button, hold it to look around, if i move a lil to fast it will spin 360, happens both standing still and on the run.
it also happens when using both mouse buttons to run/walk if i turn to fast it will spin 360

i tried the mouse and camera settings ingame but no luck, login/out dont fix it
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Last visit Tuesday, 18 February 23:08:04 UTC

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