
Let's talk about Goo (OOC/HRP)

Additional OOC-information:

Only a few years ago there was a part in the German Lore stating that the Kami have taught the Zorai magic that enables homins to fight the Goo:

"Die Kami lehrten die Zoraï Magie, mit der die Homins das Goo bekämpfen können, gegen das die Kami anfällig sind. Die Volksmagie der Zoraï ist die Elektrizität; auch der Magnetismus gehört dazu, durch den die Zorai ihre Häuser schweben lassen. Die Kami sind "Geister der Natur", sie schufen für die Zoraï organische Verwandtschafts-Masken nach dem Schließen des Bündnisses zwischen den Zoraï und Kamis - mit dem Zoraï-Herrscher Cho um 2201."

I'm with Ryzom since the Beta 2003/2004. The Lore at that time was different from our's today. Jena was still seen as the Goddess of the Kami back then for instance. So it might not be a good idea to include this "knowledge" in our roleplay of today, even if some of our characters might date back to that time.... Still I'd like to share these bits of old Lore with you for your entertainment:

"Zoraï society became structured around magnificent magnetic temple-cities where grand ceremonies were orchestrated to parry the flora devouring goo cancer which the Kamis were powerless to repel themselves." "The Zoraïs have passed master in the manipulation of magic magnetic fields which they use in the fabrication of weaponry and buildings."

Screenshots from this same Lore 2004, showing Zorai performing the magic rituals together:


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