Leaving Silan too early

So I finally decide to create an alt who arrives on Silan with full knowledge of "x" number of months / years experience in game, and I MUST go thu the motions of Silan ..... no way

A player returns to game and hasn't played since merge and they must go thru the motions of Silan .... no way, they'd leave.

A player talks his wifie, kid, grandkid, friend, whatever into playing ..... they don't want to be by themselves trudging along thru useless tasks while they could get the same education by asking their sweetie, dad, gramps or their bud playing next to them .... they'd lose interest.

Can't we just let peeps do what they wanna do ? Why the need to impose one's idea of what's best on others ?

As for the arguments against ....

-I can make my wife, GF, kid, gramps, friend etc. better armor, weaps, amps than anything on Silan
-I can teach my wife, GF, kid, gramps, friend etc. better than Sterga, Chinag and friends.
-I can give my wife, GF, kid, gramps, friend etc. more dappers than anything they'd get on Silan
-I can help them get 10 times as much XP in day than they'd get in a week on Silan.

Or, heaven forbid, the can enjoy the thrill of figuring it out for themselves !..... Reading the wiki, look at the forums, etc .... lots of viable options.

Silan is a great tutorial, much better than the original lands for separate races. And while it is a great way to learn, it is not the only way to learn.


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