New gear

This game has the potential to be amazing but I feel this potential falls short for me. There could be so much more depth in terms of gear to this game. The designs for many weapons/armours are already made but players do not have the option of getting these gears. Items I refer to are NPC MA, different NPC LA colours, new mace designs and other weird and wonderful weapons I have seen over the course of playing ryzom.

The issue I have is that it's not like its hard to get these items- its actually impossible.

I wouldn't care if it took 5 teams of masters with really well thought out tactics to bring down an NPC MA boss and obtain armour- at least it would be obtainable. There are so many items which could be implemented with little effort and could add diversity to the game and I fail to see why they aren't. PvP rewards, religious rewards, rewards for dedication to your civilisation etc.

I would like new items implemented into the game and I know tons of others who want the same thing.

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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Last visit Tuesday, 18 February 19:01:30 UTC

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