Leaving Silan too early

For a brand new player leaving Silan early is not only bad in terms of the fact that they don't know the mechanics, they also leave without the armor and weapons that doing the training missions will give them.  That armor and those weapons represent an immense cost savings once they get to the ML.  In addition, the later missions (not the training ones) allow you to accumulate a fair amount of dappers -- dappers you will need in the ML.  The Ranger Suit from Chiang isn't a bad bit of armor either.

You shouldn't force it, however:  A revenant player coming to the ML with full knowledge and a welcoming guild to help her really doesn't need the training.  Certainly a "storage alt" doesn't (that might be an argument *for* the restriction, but let's not go there).

When I meet a person who thought that Silan was "tl;dr"  I explain all this to them and strongly suggest that they start an alt.  Then, depending on their attitude, I may or may not help them out with things that they need.  (Hint to newbies: "Give me 80000," is not a good way to start a conversation with me.)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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