Leaving Silan too early

It is a problem when a player leaves Silan too early. I mean really early, where the player does not know enough of the game mechanics (how crafting works, how to modify stanzas, etc.) to actually play. It is crazy that a player can hop straight to the Mainland after only a few minutes on Silan.

It is not good for the player involved - they quickly become disillusioned with the game and quit.

It should be easy enough to make the 'Leave for the Mainland' mission unavailable until you have got the basics. I don't mean every player should have to do all the missions before they can leave. Some of the training missions deal specifically with how the game works.

I will leave it open for discussion, exactly where to draw the line.


Out of the Darkness, into the Light

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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:46:00 UTC

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