Campfires for keeping aggro away (seems to have caught on)

I'd agree to those who'd want this only for "normal aggro". I'd happily accept a resemblance to real life here.For example, Gingo, Ragus, Varynx might be kept away.

Higher level monsters, named bossed might be drawn to it. Ocyx or Kipestas who show some affinity to fire might be lured to it even more than others. They may be thinking another one of their own is fighting because of the flames... Bandits might be drawn to it if someone starts camping in the vicinity.

In any case the range of the "safe" area should be relatively small. There should be a reason why a camper should be still afraid. Some aggro might be circling the fire in fear. But if they know of a ranged attack it could still launch that one.

There's lots of possibilities, some require a decent amount of software development to be implemented. All of this requires some thought about game balance. Like it has been said before: If campfires implement a naive safe-haven for all, people start doing it in the Kitin Nest...
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