Marauder armour for Marauders

if i refer to "we" then i mean from back on aristople.
And yes during marauder rp on aristople melkiar was refered to as the boss but there was always said there are other marauder clans not folowing him when we talked about the npc HA bosses and this was the rp team talking.

Marauders are free ppl check some of the stuff on the rp site.
I can only tell you what was told us on aristople if they add different story's on the rp website then it's gl figuring it out.

I lived for some years by what was said on
but i see now they added wich states:
"His lieutenants are Marauders known by the name of their exploits. Among them include Aen, Sirgio, Pei-Ziao, and Lixie. His daughter, Akilia Ash Storm," => so good luck explaining why they still attack you

ps. didn't know marauders needed all -100 now in the old days it was -50 all wich was a decent grind but could get it positive in a week or so again. -100 all fames yup hard grind to get it up again but if it still was -50 i would see myself doing it 1month and you are back with the good looking gear at +100 whater you want to.
ps2. it's a game guy everything in here is a waste of dappers and time


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