Marauder armour for Marauders

It's been discussed 2years ago in here:
Pretty sure I asked it on a later date aswell specifically but I seem to have misplaced that thread.

I can see them implement a 'skin' for the armor or something but I got so much promised as a marauder on aristople that never came true that I wouldn't dream of them giving these armors away easy.

There are some roleplay things to take in account:
the marauders are several groups,clans,individuals, ... not all gouverend yet by one 'boss', when I and some others where building the marauder camp where I asked Akilia "Cinder" Ash Storm why some marauders kept attacking us when we walked to close to their camps and her answer was in the lines of 'not every marauder is believing in our cause and our beliefs' or something
=> so if these "marauders" that got these armors are not belonging to your clans, you can even see em as real a real threat, maybe they stole all these crystals (matoxia?) or the power to make em or ... > could even go the route of the enemy of my enemy is my friend and help kara/kami kill them

ps. I'm pretty you read the marauder lore on the wiki wich isn't much but still this one is a great read aswell:
> Did Melkiar found the Marauders?
Melkiar…? Melkiar the Black Varinx…? (Sniggering) I don't think you really understand what Marauders are… Melkiar is only one leader among many. He proved through valour that he was a good leader in war, but we are a free people. Melkiar may lead the Marauders as a whole, but he has no authority inside our clans. We have remembered the lesson taught to us by our late, dearly-beloved leaders. We can't rely on anyone but ourselves.

ps. Since it's fairly easy to grind fame in this game you would see alot off ppl dropping guild get the armor rejoin guild and regrind fame since alot off ppl would like such an exclusive item. So the untradable thing wouldn't hold up

And I forgot something else your some tribes don't like you argument is kind of stupid I've grinded from 'no trade possible' to positive in a week or 2 with some tribes. There is always atleast 1 mission you can do from a wandering tribe member that gives fame so don't be lazy and do those missions you wont get dapper but after some weeks hard work you will. => you said it's a roleplaying game so play the role of a kiss ass trying to suck up to a new tribe and do what their outside guys tell you to do


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