Marauder armour for Marauders

Toak --

Marauder armor from the Marauder NPCs has significantly higher stats inherent in it than the normal plans for Zorai (Tryker/Matis/Fyrk) armor, which are just skins on a single armor that can be made by anyone with better or worse materials for different effects.

Marauder armor is a skin, true, but it is a skin on a different base set, only achievable through PvE against the Marauder NPCs and beset with difficulties in obtaining that Daomei has pointed out and which you have acknowledged. To make it so much easier to obtain for Marauders (i.e. costing only dappers) is not balanced in terms of gameplay. Now, if the armor you propose can only be made with materials that are as difficult to obtain as the NPCs are difficult to take down, and with techniques that yield as few pieces as the NPC's do... Well, that's different than what you are asking for.

Your arguments about this being an MMORPG fall flat, given that roleplay is optional. If someone is so dedicated to the Marauder RP that they won't attack Aen, that is their choice. It is equivalent to refusing to craft Matis plans because they enslaved your Tryker ancestors, or to dig the easy-to-get excellent mats in Void because you are Karavan. It's a choice, and one that not very many people will make.

I find your comments on the boss hunts interesting, but then the people I hang out with would go for a boss hunt and not give a flying fart about who else was on the teams unless those people were screwing up the strategies. Are there really people who care about the Marauder suits who would not go for a chance at pieces because of Marauders on the team? If so, that's their choice, too.

Inflationary amounts of extra-ordinary armor will not be good for the game.

-- my thoughts
-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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