Marauder armour for Marauders

I would like to point out to you from a role play point of view that marauders invented this armour in the old lands and i am not opposed to trytonists and rangers having armour that they invented. The marauders invented the armour with special materials that are not known to the regular factions - this would give reason that marauders can buy the armour that the marauders know how to make.

My point to the NPC hunts is that if a marauder presence is there then the other factions wont want to play with the marauders and will show up less and less. This would make there not enough people to do the NPCs such as Sergio and Pei.

As to your comment about the Scorchers and Fraiders not all marauders have the same fame. Some marauders have less fame in some things than other marauders due to base templates.

You say that marauder is a high level challenge which is true, but that does not mean a high level pike crafter for example would be able to make Q250 armour for certain NPCs which they actually have the right fame for.

As to your statements about the armour and how it is crafted i am well aware how it works - but seeing how it is a marauder invention you would think that the marauders would be the ones to use it. Due to role playing reasons - which is the point in the game - we are not supposed to kill Aen Pei and those because they are Melkiar's first commanders.


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