Marauder armour for Marauders

For starters Daomi it is an mmoRPG meaning a ROLE PLAYING GAME. Meaning that not doing role play is completely against the logic of the game in its entirety. Secondly, you state that it would not be "fair" for MARAUDERS to have their own armour - which makes entirely 0 sence to me. In the matis, fyros, tryker, AND zorai cities you can by their race armour so why not be able to do so in the MARAUDER CITY?

Next: with the marauder plan one just needs to get the crystals over and over again to continue to craft it, which either if it is 8 or 15 million thats still more than a ONE USE MARAUDER ARMOUR. It is not like one can buy the armour once and then get it over and over again for free. Next i would like to address the fact that MARAUDERS should have MARAUDER ARMOUR - it makes zero sence that one should not considering it is their own faction - look at the amount of trykers who have tryker armour. You are also stating that marauders do not have their own armour and that the KAMI AND KARAVAN do. So why would they have it and marauders not even have their own armour????

And given the dappers that you have suggested I would like to point out that it is harder for marauders to get dappers since they are unliked by all the races and cannot do their missions. This makes a lot of the tribes hate them too and not all of the tribes match what crafts the marauder can do. We can not simply go into Avendale and do the 400k crafting missions that are there.

Also, like you said many hunts go on all the time. But these hunts are preformed privately by the Karavan and if the marauders started doing hunts with Chanchey's group you cannot deny that less people would be doing them still. This makes it even harder to do the hunts that you stated above.

Also I would like to point out that being a marauder is harder than that of being a Kami or a Karavan, so wouldn't it make sense that the marauders would at least get to use their own armour? But you say that you absolutely disagree against it still.


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