Marauder armour for Marauders

Absolutely against this proposal for a couple of reasons.

1. NPC Boss fights are a PvE (OOC) challenge, everybody is free to form a multiteam alliance, be it based on factions or not. No player is excluded from that oppportunity by game mechanics. Every player is free to find roleplay reasons for taking part in such fights - or waive taking part. Roleplay is not meant to grant privileges.

Roleplay is the only reason why marauder players may feel uncomfortable with NPC boss hunts. But the choice of any faction, or neutrality, may be made by reasons of RP, PvE, or PvP, or a mixture of all. Everybody is free to become a Kami, Karavan, or Marauders' follower for pure PvE and/or PvP reasons without doing or wanting any Roleplay at all.

Clearly, RP justification for marauders to bash the NPC bosses may be not so easy. Yet as the marauders only accept strength there is no reason why they should not test the strength of those NPC marauders from a different clan. And as marauders are assumed to are their own lawmakers, why shouldn't they define their personal rules accordingly? Or, if regarding it too inconsequential to do so, accept that one cannot have everything at a time?

2. The proposal means an inflationary spread of marauder armours among all marauder players. This would severely disadvantage those who are recently winning the marauder/Eroukan gear on the normal path.

The NPC boss gear is not that easy to get. Every boss yields 1 piece of armor, 1/4 plan fragment, and 1 craft crystal. With 40-70 participants per round and at maximum 4, not seldom only 3 or 2 armour pieces, plan fragments, and craft crystals, rounds canceled due to OP fights, holidays etc., it takes a very long time of continuous hunt until a smaller guild, or much more a single player will be in possession of a full set of armour, which means further fragments for 1.5 plans, and 6 craft crystals (not enough for a single helmet, vest, or pants which require 7).

A sound estimate is that an average of 100 to 140 full boss hunts per year *) are taking part resulting in 70-90 HA sets per year which are distributed among about 150 or so participants in about 30 guilds. That means that at best half or bit more of the regular participants may receive a set of marauder HA during one year.

3. It would be new to me that the plans "cost" only 8 million dappers (maybe the price of the expert for recovering the plan has changed after the merge). To my experience, the service of reassembling the 4 plan pieces cost 15 million. The 4 plan pieces had still to be won. Even 15 million dapper are easily earned in a couple of days, a full set of plan pieces possibly not or barely in a year of continuous boss fight participation.

4. Personalizing the armor is not a sound solution. Still it would remain a high level armor with outstanding values (parry, dodge, bonus). And personalizing the craft plans makes no sense at all, after all, once one lets the plan pieces assemble and learns them, they are personalized anyway. No mention has been made about craft crystals.

*) during 365 days, there are theoretically 182 opportunities to get all 4 bosses. In fact, only about 2 to 2.5 encounters per week are taking place, not all of them covering all bosses (Lixie, then Pei-Ziao most frequently waived or failing due to insufficient number of participants).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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