[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

PVE is actually avoidable but that's just when you are a slacker, since it's nowhere stated you actually need to lvl in this game.
- For instance you can visit the whole world as a lvl 1 (can't get all tp's since it's pve content)
- Events have never stated you need a master (can tag along most without having to kill, there have been ppl playing reporters in the past)
- Roleplay is perfectly douable at lvl 0, i have played on lvl 0 alts for light rp reasons (still have a payed lvl 0 char up i use for chats in the pyr bar atm when ppl pass by and send Suboxide a tell)

About PVE:
- you can avoid digging (I have)
- you can avoid crafting (I have)
- you can avoid fighting (I know ppl who have)
- you can avoid magic (not nice of you since a rez would be nice but it's possible to avoid)
=> You only need to do one of these things to be succesfull in this game PVE and PVP

About PVP:
- This is mainly Fighting and Magic but after every good PVPer that is a team of non PVPers (Like in the real world sports and bussiness)

All toughether:
If you invest in a char for a month you can master a skill and become a non PVE player forever but problem there is you are stuck just like a lvl0 char in roleplying since you can't have dapper, armor, weapons when you decide to just pvp and slack.
I have done it for quite some time I just sat at the stables chatting and had some pvp fun when somebody wanted to. I didn't kill mobs, I didn't boss hunt (ask Bina how mad I made her), I didn't lvl, ... => To be able to do this you need good ingame friends wich I love to bits and I did res when asked to (did ask some dapper for it, actually only Gasket).

But yes this game is impossible to pvp only in if you want to start a pvp guild for instance you need ppl with great pve skills to provide the gear.

Would a pvp only option be fun? Yup it would.

Would a pvp only option help the game survive? I don't see how it would hurt the game if the effort for PVP gear would be equal to that of getting great gear from diggers and boss hunters. With 'PVP gear' I don't mean killer stats they should be equal to the effort a PVE char puts in his gear

Is ryzom made for PVP only stuff? Just like above here I wouldn't see game dieing from it but not sure it's actually how the game is made. Like it's said before Ryzom is the community and if we split that community even more in PVP and PVE then it might get even more ugly.

ps. Just like kami/kara skirts and shields wich are PVP only content the fyros/matis/zorai/tryker have the same kind of rewards for PVE only but those sellers only sell picks wich is stupid aswell since the non digging PVE crowd doesn't get anything


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