[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

Fyrosfreddy (atys)
-Earn enuff PvP points gats ya a vedice from an NPC
-Earn enuff fame points from each of the 4 races gets ya a vedice
-1 on both
I think people need to realise that these materials should be treated as rare, no one should leave the game because they are not able to obtain them, nor should players be able to just grind there way to outpost produce.

I honestly think that players left the game previously due to outposts producing cats and players not being to get them, not so much the cats.

Also Freddy, what do you do as a PvEr once you get gear (NPC or Boosted), how do you use it? The general trend I see is to use it for PvP... other then bosses I have no idea what you would use it for :)
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