[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

This is becoming a circular argument. I think we can agree, that PvE is unavoidable if you are going to play the game. The question is "Should PvP be optional ?" And by "optional" I mean, "Can you make that choice w/o penalty ?". The simple fact is if there are goodies that are not available to any segment of the population because they made a choice, they will leave game's not a hypothesis, we have seen it time and time again starting with the massive exodus when OP's were introduced. Exclusivity decreases the player base.

Equivalent but not equal rewards can exist ..each race has different natural resistances for example. As for the buff, if everyone has it, it wouldn't be a reward. Does everyone have NPC armor ? The buff would have to be earned .. and not necessarily permanent .. just like the pick I earned from NH. Ranger class and benefits associated therewith. could solve this.

-Earn enuff PvP points gats ya a vedice from an NPC
-Earn enuff fame points from each of the 4 races gets ya a vedice


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