Block Faction Trading

The problem in the original post is, rephrased, "people won't RP according to their religion, let's force them do so". Here's an idea: give people a reason to roleplay religion. Nations sorta-kinda-almost work, in that assemblies can scrap an attendance. You get reports to read, and things to discuss after those said assemblies. Sometimes, you even get to talk about interesting stuff like igaras, or get sent to do things (by rangers). Most importantly, you have DRAMA, and we all know drama is what fuels the internet, Ryzom being no exception.

So, how about give us a bone to chew on? Simple idea: make a Goo named creature, difficult to kill in that it would require a serious team, have it spawn in a PvP zone (Nexus?) and have both religions send their followers to kill the beast (kami would just want proof of its death, karavan would want blood). Sit back and watch supposed "friends" of opposed factions bash each others' brains out. The code of conduct allows for anything in PvP areas, as far as I'm aware. (For non-pvp players, both religions could require the digging of the very same resource).

Instead of being busy opening topics and commenting on them, you guys could be making up events ideas and bringing them alive with the help of the Event team. After all, if my Ryzom life is filled with my religion's and nation's events, I'll have less time to hang with the opposite factions. Just some food for thought.

tl;dr : Making up rules won't stop economics. It's anti-rational to beat someone for a resource if you can just ask for it in a trade. If people want to behave irrationally because of RP reasons then they must live with the consequence of said irrationality, just like IRL if you hold a grudge against the rich aunt you won't get in her will ;)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:48:34 UTC

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