Block Faction Trading

Tumbleweed (atys)

Next Saturday three other guys that like to play exactly texas hoidem come in and replace those that quit.

Reasonable hypothesis but in 9 years, that has never happened. Every uptick in "forced" PvP / choice reduction has been followed by an exodus of players. Population is decreasing, not increasing which is why we have 1 server instead of 3 and why population is again dropping.

To continue with the gambling analogy, what casino will have more patrons .... the "Texas Hole Em" Casino which allows "just one game" or the one that offers their customers choices ?

What's next ?

Each race must wear certain colors ?
Each race must use only thier primary racial wepaons ?
Kami can't use gear made with modifed OP mats ?
kara can't use gear made with purified OP mats ?
Races can only dig in their native regions ?
Races can only use meks bought in their own regions ?


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:33:04 UTC

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