Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

so really the purpose of the guild fame is to purposely limit who can join, and then if a member of such a guild wants to be of the political system for that civ, they need to have your own personal civilisation fame high enough etc etc

i appreciate feylin's explanation, i can see why limits would preserve the roleplay aspect and perhaps allowing 2 civs to join would dilute that idea but i still think it would not be such a horrible idea =)

the guilds would still remain small, there would be enhanced interaction (yes yes sure you can be friends with anyone but what's the harm, in one more?)

Irfindel, perhaps for you there is "enough" interaction, perhaps for me i want some more, i feel it has validity. if i have a treaty for however many years i would permit/welcome/invite/wish my ally to join me in my place of power, that's all i'm saying. right now those "numbers" serve little purpose and they could do more.

dispute as you will


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