Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

Well, Eruv, just a fact i experienced in another game : there is a background describing 5 different races, with relationships between each others (no citizenship, only race), and they allow multiracial guilds.
Consequence : because guilds want to be numerous, and powerful, they became multiracial, the only few who wished to stay racial, or at least have only races linked by background, became weak, and disappeared.

This kind of things lead to uniformity and in the end erase the background to the benefit of gameplay only.

And I am too much an adept for roleplay to see the background of the game disapear.
So yes, i just say NO, and if it seems i'm not the only one, i'm glad of that :)

I will make a big exaggeration : if you facilitate the game , give everyone his lvl 250 in each skill, all supreme-crafted items, friendship with every other player or NPC ... what will they do ? uninteresting game, no challenge, game over !
On another hand, erasing some limits will erase some interactions that appear because of this limit.
So in my opinion, there would not be increase of interaction, and facilitating is evil. I hope you understand this point of vue.

By the way, you don't need to be in same guild with someone to be friend with this someone. guilds can have relationships between them too, and characters can have individual relationships that differ from guilds or nation relationship, so I really see no problem at all. Numbers are just numbers, and by the way, 0 fame is not hate, what is negative fame then ?


Fey-Lin Liang
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