Overseer requests

(While I'm speaking mostly of the overseers in the Burning Desert, I think the situation is same everywhere else.)

Present situation: the overseers request a number of crafted items, with wildly varying requirements within the same batch. You are asked to create a long sword of quality 50, while at the same time create 5 daggers of quality 15, etc. One anklet of quality 25, but 3 bracelets of quality 10.

This doesn't make much sense. We could, of course, invent a roleplay reason for this madness (the long weapon is for a squad leader while the short ones for recruits). Still, it all looks random when first looking through the overseer missions, and feels so.

Instead, I propose a two-fold approach to these missions:

- an NPC requesting full sets of different armors. This meaning: he would want sets of light armor, all pieces being of the same quality; separate mission to deliver q30, separate mission to deliver q50, this can be as fine-grained as wanted. This NPC would want batches of weapons, all same quality and type. Call this NPC "Imperial army supplier" maybe.

- an NPC requesting random, disparate items. Call him "Army deposit manager", or something to suggest his stocks are always incomplete. His missions would be random if possible (chosen from a larger set), would be timed (omg 2 recruits broke their spears! needs urgent replacement!), and would pay much better than the regular supplier. If his demands could be tied to the player base volume .. but then again I feel this would require lots of new coding.

Ok, actually three-fold -

Maybe a third type of NPC, which would require items with certain stats: for instance, armors with good slashing protection for those poor guards who keep getting varinx dragged on them. Or items with high durability, since the guards act in a team anyway, so it doesn't matter if they get punched a few times. This could vary during a Jena Year, guards near Dyron would need durable armors when puckas spawn near stables, whereas they would want high damage weapons during kincher season.

I think the gist of this idea is clear by now.

** Imperial / dynastic / federal / royal army supplier, ofc


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