Drag and drop in equipment tab and hotbar working for all inventory tabs.

Clumsy UI is a birthmark of old and indie games. If such a game struggles to keep on par with modern games, it absolutely must have as easy, smooth, ergonomic and user-friendly UI as possible, cutting off all the fiddling, clicking and typing. Forcing players to do dozens of clicks where just one click would be enough is plain stupid (i'm looking at you, trading window). Drag-and-drop working selectively depending on what tab is open is clearly a design or coding flaw.

"Smooth, ergonomic....UI..." -- doesn't that rather depend on playing style? One man's erg is another's poisson.

I am not denying that there are design and coding flaws in Ryzom, but there is clearly only a very small team of coders behind the game, and I'd rather have more content than minor fixes to the UI. Are you saying that new players are so shallow that a minor aspect of the UI will affect whether they play the game or not? If so, that is an indictment of modern gamers, not of the game.

Unless you have studied the code you don't know whether this is easy to do or a PITA. If you have studied (and understood) the code, please volunteer to help. :)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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