Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

I will try to explain my point of view:

It´s true that everyone we have some fame points when we start our playing depending on the race we choose, and that fame is predetermined with the Lore.

Ok. Now. Guilds are supouse to be, and I´m talking about the meaning of the word, association of craftsmen or merchants, and people that have the same goal in mind.

Well. So if Homins gather in, for example, a Fyros guild, is because they whant to be a guild of the Empire, so they can have better prices at merchants; and Empire will protect them too or wathever they have in mind.

But it´s true, guild fame have other fames too with other races. This way, according to the Lore, and with the same example, a Fyros guild will have more chances to make great deals with Zoraï, and Matis will be the worst place to make deals with merchants. And of course, depending the political situation the relation between Homins will change too.


Lerya Rechtuch

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