Mat distrubution - faction balance..

I suppose that's a large part of it - digging solo.. I was just astounded that this particular spot has become so challenging/frustrating due to aggro shifting.. I don't recall it being like this years ago before I returned to atys -- I guess that's the key to all in atys, teamwork.

Not saying I want anything easy, my first master dig was PR after all, second is forest, I doubt anyone could come up with two more challenging areas to dig (when I levelled most of forest, zatchel routinely came by sap slaves and roamed more of GoC than he does now). It wasn't until I was near 200 in PR that the Kitin Patrols were removed... nothing I've done on atys was 'the easy way'. Most of my combat levels were against aggro mobs NOT plants for example. I'd rather bring a team against varinx/zerx or yetins than beat plants mindlessly for hours.

I never want anything to be easy, I just want the challenges to be attainable.. I guess I'll more closely investigate other options, but none of the other spots are very viable for neutrals, this was the best spot for them a number of years ago, and it wasn't as covered.

At this point, I need less guarding from Great Vorax at the supernodes (heck those I often dig exc's after season change and the pvpers are done solo with far less frustration), than this particular spot from vorax/tyranancha and lumpers dragging in kincher.



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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