Mat distrubution - faction balance..

Out of curiosity: Is all that said related to digging alone? Or is this true for small groups (<=5 people) as well?

I'm really interested in this because when I'm digging 98% of the time I'm doing it solo (and no alts), and like it that way. But then, I'm still fairly low level (60-135 depending on countryside). Sometimes I like to have a glimpse of the future. Here it would be interesting to know if those exe spots are again somewhat relaxed if there's 3-5 homins teamworking. The loot has to be divided then, or some other form of compensation be made to the protectors.

I'm still mostly after choice grade when digging, but even for those I noticed a couple of places where I could not dig alone. You got to have a damaging level of 30-50 levels above the dig level to deal with the aggro in some places. And even then, there are surprises. Not the relaxed past time I've enjoyed so far...
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