Mat distrubution - faction balance..

Tonight, attempting to gather simple choice glue resin in PR, it occurs to me.. there's not a single spot that is fairly placed from a karavan perspective. There's one spot in US, close to a kami and a marauder tp (less than 300m).

Not one of the spots in wastelands is even close to a karavan tp, but they're all easily reached from kami or marauder tps again.

I really liked the mat placements where they are for the most part, but this is one mat that is ridiculous to gather for either neutrals or karas, the best spot in wastelands, near to the nexus portal is an insane mess of aggro on all sides, so that it's rare one can dig more than 15 mats before getting wiped by something.

This spot was not always like this, someone decided that ryzom wasn't challenging enough apparently, and messed with some aggro patterns.. ryzom is more than challenging enough actually in most cases, look at the 90+% attrition rates and you'll see. Sometimes a bit of a challenge is fun, sometimes it's just miserable.



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:53:03 UTC

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