Drain Damage Spells

drain spells have some uses, yes indeed you don't want madakoo to light you on fire with your own spell even when you are carrying 70% fire absorb jewels but:

you really can't train with drain, that is, if i have a drain spell that i just arrived at the correct level to train, i can't use that spell on a mob that is level+20 for max exp, because the mob just resists the spell very very quickly since it is (i guess this is the reason) so many levels higher than you

therefore you only really get to use drain spells of a higher level that you got later, on a mob that is lower level. effectively making it crap for training. if i am wrong about this i don't mind being corrected but this is my experience, drain sell link is broken too easily to be useful, and on top of that concentration is worthless in tandem with drain spells

any thoughts?


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