Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

Well, if a guild claims to be citizen of a nation, for example Zorai, that is, the Theocracy, then what does it mean first ?

In my opinion, they claim they are all citizen of the Theocracy, or would-be citizen, which is why this guild can accept neutrals.
You cannot be citizen of the Theocracy when you are citizen of the Empire (or any other)
A patriot (for example) willing to join a initiate guild is likely to prove his commitment by leaving the Empire.
In fact, you cannot have more than one citizenship, that's all. The world of ryzom is not a modern world, the homins societies are young (less than 400 years of history), you cannot expect such modern aspect as in the real world (with a history of human societies of more than 5000 years).


Fey-Lin Liang
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