[Multiple responses] Rewards for Multi-Masters.

The problem with a permanently displayed title would be that some might not want it to be displayed for roleplay or other reasons. Also it's hard to distinguish what justifies a permanently displayed name attribute: Mastership of all trees? Mastership of all craft trees? If it's less than mastership of all trees, we'd have an ambiguitiy/selection problem for those fullfilling multiple subtrees, and thus mutliple of these permanent titles.

I do like and support the notion of an additional name attribute. Mostly because its another great opportunity for roleplay. But I would have it coded as a separate, second title system.

Now this evolves into a completely separate idea: Why not have just one set of titles, like it is right now. But let's have two slots for displaying the existing titles: One before the name, and one in the current title slot after the name. So Arfur could have the "Grandmaster Arfur, High Officer of Cara Via". I could select "Fartravelled Irfidel, Cartographer Apprentice". And one can choose to leave any one, or both of the slots empty, not displaying a title at all.
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