Block Faction Trading

It is a gross misunderstanding to link factions to PvP solely. Faction PvP is one part of PvP, as well as PvP is an element of the game, and factions are an aspect of the game as well as others.

PvP is not confined to factions, it can be done between any set of players inside, outside, or across faction boundaries. And factions are neither solely nor even originally made for PvP, they are indispensable elements of roleplay of any kind, play a role in PVE, are part of the Lore. They are providing background and athmosphere for the game no matter whether one practises PvP or not.

I wonder a bit about the paranoia that a reasonable proposal might be dismissed because it is linked to PvP. There is no reason why PvP should not be practised, advertised, and popularized as any other part of gameplay. Yet this should be done by non-coercive means as everything else is not likely to raise popularity of PvP.

And rational discussion is a prerequisite as well. Hate or contempt vocabulary of the "care bear" kind is inappropriate. So far, I did not find players not practising PvP defaming PvP players as brutes or rowdies. I would oppose such attitude as well.


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