Block Faction Trading

I do not know whether anybody likes it but I consider it a maximally pointless idea. Every player, every guild, every alliance are entitled to act how they like as long as they do not violate the rules and code of conduct. And trading surely does not constitute such in any way.

I fail to see a real idea in that proposal. Scolding others as "care bears" is simply a stupid and immature insult. And how should "blocking" work? Hardcoded check of faction membership, with no exchange possible if opposing? Control of the inventory? What about neutrals, or converts? Being limited to factional items such as OP mat, or every kind of exchange?

Those who like strong antagonism should play it with those who like that, too, leaving those alone who want to keep their freedom of choice. That there are few factional clashes has other reasons than interfactional exchanges.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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