how Seriously are ideas considered?

This is an Idea, if not a question for the Dev team and responses from community. But as i peruse through the 'Ideas' threads, i notice upwards of 29 pages of some pretty good ideas (some not so good), and i am wondering how seriously they are considered by the Dev team. I know you are busy and all, but i suppose it would be nice to have a little more feedback, the info i am suggesting is: How many of you are there, so we have an idea of how busy you are, What you presently working on, what is going to get fixed currently, what your thoughts are on a certain Idea suggestion, the problems it would pose. if the idea is feasible or would be way to hard to implement to even consider, (not that it isnt a good idea or whatnot, just dont be offended when it is not considered, lol). But if considered to be implementable, give an estimation when something like that could be included if at all?
Im not saying you have to reply to each and every suggestion, but do you read every idea? appreciate improvements lately!
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