Powers and Auras

This isn't so much an Idea, more of a tweak. This thread is all about powers and auras at Max level.

At the moment powers and auras have really long cooldowns, and can make gameplay both in PvE and PvP extremely slow and generic. The issue is not just having them all on really long cool downs, but all the Auras and Self heals share a cooldown. My Idea is that the Devs reassess the current cooldowns, and also stop all of the Auras from sharing a cooldown, so less powerful auras become more attractive to use, rather then having abilities in the game that hardly ever get used.

Sorry if this is not very long and well written, I am hoping that people can look at the data below and understand what I am talking about by thinking that these cooldowns are not very realistic, Thank you
(note this is not about taunt or shielding, those are both good cooldowns imo)

Powers Minutes:Seconds

Taunt Effect 00:10
Shielding Effect 02:00
Speeding Up Power 10:35
Invulnerability Stanza 00:00
Berseker 10:35
Balance HP 15:00
Restore Life 06:16 (320 Seconds)
Restore Stamina 06:16 (320 Seconds)
Restore Sap 06:16 (320 Seconds)
Restore Focus 06:16 (320 Seconds)


Life Aura 20:00
Stamina Aura 20:00
Sap Aura 20:00
Protection Stanza 15:00
Umbrella Stanza 15:00
Anti Magic Shield Stanza 15:00
War Cry Aura 15:00
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:27:04 UTC

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