Eruv (atys)
Thank you very much; this is exactly what I'm thinking as well :) this is ryzom where we should feel free to be ourselves as long as we respect others so, as i respect all of you
But sadly not everybody thinks that way. Some think that "tolerance" or "respect" means that they themselves should be pleased, pampered and also should be allowed to do whatever they want, even if what they do is killing the gaming fun of other players severly, driving them out of roleplaying or even out of the game.
Tolerance and respect is not something that we can demand solely for ourselves; we also have to grant other people the same amount of tolerance and respect as well. Unfortunately some people totally don't get it - they do not realize how intolerant, unfair and offending they themselves are, they refuse to accept the truth when being told. And even if they are offenders they will still always think of themselves as being the "real" victims.
Having to accept a "honorary" title that the Event Team has clearly approved of for the new Server Atys, which is enabling more roleplayers to enrich political RP and leads to having more political representatives to play together with, cannot drive anyone out of a game.
On the other hand trying to exclude players from national political roleplay all of a sudden after years, wanting to reduce their RP-rights to dominate them, continually critcizing them and picking on them not only IC (while going against their character's fundamental principles/values by doing so and leading "roleplaying" ad absurdum) but even OOC as players - this is what I would call "griefing".
It's really sad to have experienced that most of the Ex-Leanon-players have at first tried so hard to be considerate, to avoid saying anything that would irritate characters from other language groups, to open up political dialogues, to quietly accept unfamiliar customs from other servers, to even adapt their own characters to the histories of other servers more than just a bit - and what has become of that :(
None of our many efforts and cpncessions were ever appreciated by inconsiderate French players, led by a small bunch of pretty aggressive people with much IC-influence on rather many roleplayers of their former server Aniro. Our complaisances and commitments as players were ignored by them; our good-will was abused even. Our characters were pushed over, out-maneuvred, tricked, mocked, out-voted and nagged at; until we as players lost a lot of fun in playing political RP that we had formerly enjoyed very much.
Some Ex-Leanon-roleplayers who had loved roleplaying a lot before the server-merge have now left the game in the meanwhile. Others have reduced playing political RP a lot, and others are arguing about it, demanding actions by the Event-Team; because political RP has become irritating, un-fun, stressy, too hard to handle. And still more players might most likely lose their gaming fun if the Event Team does not act quickly.